Criminally fraudulentผมตอบเมลล์ไปว่าจะช่วย ภายในไม่กี่นาที ผู้ร้ายตอบเมลล์กลับ
I really want to thank you so much for your email,i am indeed glad that i can get a good response from you.This situation is so embarrassing that i dont even have a penny to buy some food or drugs because the robbers made away with all my luggages including my credit cards too.
They also burnt the Hotel's telephone cables and destroyed its database too which has left me no other option than to ask you for help through my email address because thats the only access of communication i have right now.
Please i need you to transfer the exact funds i asked from you through Western union money transfer to my name and on this address below.
Name: Krissana Chankaew
Address: Old Shire Lane , Waltham Abbey, Essex
City : London
ZIP Code: EN9 3LX
Country: United Kingdom
Western union money transfer is the only safest and fastest option for now as i cant get to access my bank account from here,please you really need to help me out and as soon as i return back it would be reimbursed.
Thank you so much, please as soon as you are done sending me the money, I need you to help me write out the Mtcn details giving to you by the Western union agent or better still help me scan a copy of the receipt.
I look forward to hear from you soon.
Thank you so much,
k____ _ha___w